Impact Report – First Year and 2022 Primary Season

Jul 20, 2022 | Candidate News, News


Save America Now congratulates our supported candidates who were winners in the recent primary elections.

We will continue to support and fund these candidates, and we encourage everyone to join us in backing and donating to the campaigns of these exceptional individuals as we head toward the November general elections.



Save America Now has sponsored four PAC Study Group luncheons at the Lomas Santa Fe Country Club. The Study Groups have been a platform for excellent speakers and candidates running for office.

Speakers at our June 1st Study Group included:

Sandy Smith
Winner – Republican Primary on May 17
North Carolina District 1 Candidate for US Congress

Sandy Smith traveled from North Carolina in support of Save America Now to speak to our PAC Study Group. Sandy, in describing her focus and determination, has said “I’m a fighter who’s not afraid to stand up for what is right, and we need to do everything we can to drain the swamp . . . It’s time we finish the job we started and take back our country in 2022.”

Bradley Cranston
Director, Awake America State Capitol Initiative
Pastor Emeritus, Heritage Baptist Church, Burlington, IA
Founder, Iowa Baptists for Biblical Values

The mission of Awake America is to bring America back to the Godly principles upon which it was founded. Bradley Cranston, in addressing the Study Group, challenged Christians to become involved in the electoral process, view issues and candidates through the lens of Scripture and actively back those candidates who are dedicated to retaining and maintaining our precious liberties such as freedom of speech and freedom of religion, and vote and encourage others to vote based on a Biblical perspective.

Our fifth Study Group is scheduled for October 13, 2022. El Cajon Mayor Bill Wells will be our featured speaker. Other speakers will be Laurie Davies, Assemblywoman – California, 73rd District State Assembly; Brian Jones, Member of the California State Senate 38th District; and Tony Orlando, Campus Pastor, Lifepoint Church, Spring Valley, CA. We are expecting media and TV coverage of the event.



Our desire is to reach as many people as we can.

  • 4 Study Group luncheons were held, with a 5th scheduled for October 13.
  • More than 15 E-mail blasts have been sent to recipients nationwide on timely topics such as “We Stand with Ukraine,” “What Happens When Government is Too Big?, “Government Runaway Spending and Economic Policy,” and “The Fall of Afghanistan.”
  • Approximately 1,000 books have been distributed to our committed and potential supporters and donors at our Study Groups and via mailings.
  • Significant conservative educational material has been made available, as well as our Recommended Reading List.



With national TV coverage on ESPN and NBC Sports, we sponsored two NASCAR cars last year.

  • In June, 2021 we were the No. 15 car at the Xfinity race in the Poconos.
  • In November we sponsored the No. 15 car in Phoenix.
  • We were able to secure excellent sponsorship rates, driver endorsements and support of NASCAR fans.



Save America Now continues to stand in support of the people of Ukraine as they fight to defend their freedom and sovereignty following the invasion initiated by Russia’s evil leader. In addition to the brave military personnel who are defending their nation’s freedom from tyrannical takeover, we remember the countless children and other civilians who continue to bear the weight and consequences of Russia’s unjust hostility toward their neighbor.

Please join with us in prayer for an end to this tyrannical war and the humanitarian crisis it has created.





  • Save America Now has raised more than $81,000 in 2021 – 2022 mid-year.
  • 200 donors have contributed.


  • We seek to continue to support quality conservative candidates who are committed to our three key pillars and promise hope for our nation moving forward.


  • Raise $100,000 for the general election.
  • Support a total of 8 – 10 candidates (House/Senate) at the $2,500 – $5,000 level over the summer, including:

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